How I Get Content Inspiration

photo credit: Lauren Nieves

photo credit: Lauren Nieves


As we approach the warmer days, I am starting to feel more motivated to shoot outside. Shooting in single digit weather is not ideal but you have to get the job done somehow? I have so much content that I just shot for March and have so many ideas for next few months. This is the first time I have ever planned out shoots and felt prepared as a 'blogger.' I have learned that that THIS is my creative space to share my love for art and writing to the world. Writers block and getting in a creative funk is SO real. Especially, when you're trying to be unique from everyone ese.

I am constantly brainstorming ideas, even when I don't mean to. Working at my current internship as a Social Media + PR intern, I am doing research all day long and trying to help our clients set themselves aside from all the other brands. As of lately,  I realized that this job has actually been my secret weapon. My writing skills are getting immensely better and I am constantly doing influencer research. Today, I am sharing with you how I get my inspiration:

✮ Instastyle: Tezza's newest book that she just wrote! I bought it back in October 2018 when it first came out. Tezza is one of my biggest influencers that I am always in complete awe of her work. She is constantly doing something out of the norm, which sets her apart from everyone else. My greatest tips that I have taken is from her book. If you haven't invested in this book, you're doing life WRONG.

✮ Pinterest: My Pinterest is actually so aesthetically pleasing. Give it a follow, if you aren't following it. 😘 I am always looking at color schemes, outfit ideas, new poses. I'm not kidding when I say Pinterest saves lives.

✮ Magazines: I just started doing this BUT I have a million Vogue magazines that have not been read from front to back. I just got a new bulletin board for my room in the suburbs. I am using it as a headboard and a mood board! I love ripping things apart and put it together to make something beautiful to bring inspiration to my day.

✮ Instagram: I follow plenty of influencers and have done so much research as an intern. I am constantly clicking on their blogs and Instagram pages. I love the save button on Instagram, it's honestly my second Pinterest board. I am always saving ideas for poses, angles, and inspiration for where to shoot. Like it said this is INSPO not copying. I have props to the influencers work hard to get their money shots, remember to be YOU and recreate to something that is your own.

✮ Driving: Yes, I mean driving around in my car. This is where Lauren and I get a lot of our inspiration! Having our car in Chicago has been a blessing and curse (damn you, parking tickets). BUT driving around new neighborhoods have helped us 100000% set ourselves aside from your typical 'cityscape' pictures.

I hoped this helped get your creativity flowing!


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